1. Keep It Fresh

Every season or quarter, change up the menu by swapping out two or three items to keep customers engaged and coming back for more.  Nothing kills the floor more than talks of a dull & old menu.


2. Small, Simple, Agile Menus

As food costs rise, a smaller menu helps keep costs down.  While larger menus allow for a no-substitute menu, be agile and simplify the ingredients to allow mixing and matching. This way, you can make the most out of your ingredients and create an experience exceeding expectations! 


3. Zero-Waste = FOH + BOH Utilization 

Borrowing from each side of operations can lead to zero waste. Many products can be used in cross-utilization with items like rice or coconuts. 


4. Team-Inspired Specials

As the saying goes, your frontline employees are the eyes & ears of the restaurant.  Our team members know what sells and what doesn't, taking the guesswork out of new ideas! Create a tasting & let the team vote on the new dishes!


5. Count Often, Count Quickly, Save Money

Knowing what you have on hand not only will help reduce waste but will also make your ordering process more efficient. Inventory is a necessary evil that we all put off, but if done correctly it can save you a ton of money!


Everyone is seeing their costs rise as inflation and supply chain issues take their toll on the hospitality industry. You need a tool that will not only help you manage your costs but save you time in the process. Hospitality Innovations will give you insight into your Back of House costs and give you back the time you need to focus on the things you love about your job!

Click here to learn more about the app, or schedule a free 1-on-1 demo here.